Author: John Salisbury / Last Updated: Apr 10, 2023
In this project, I clean and analyze data on over 250k Kickstarter crowdfunding campaigns that took place in the United States between 2009-2018, using logistic regression to identify factors that predict campaign success.
In this particular notebook, I explore, clean, and prepare the data for use in a logistic regression model. To view the model and final results from the analysis, visit this link (or click on "View Data Analysis" above).
Table of Contents:
Import Modules and Data
Data Exploration and Cleaning
Examine Data Structure
Subset Data
Search for Missing/Erroneous Data
Create New Columns
Drop Unnecessary Columns
Save Cleaned CSV for Analysis
Find the data for this project on Kaggle:
Kickstarter Projects
To facilitate the exploration and cleaning of our data, we import a few common Python modules (e.g., pandas
, matplotlib
, etc.). We also use Pandas to import our data as a dataframe.
#Common modules
import datetime as dt #Used to handle date data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Plotting support
import pandas as pd #DataFrame support
#Suppress warnings in Jupyter
import warnings
#IPython - HTML notebook formatting
from IPython.core.display import HTML
We'll also add some CSS to improve the look and feel of our notebook:
.jp-needs-light-background {
display: block;
margin: auto;
} table {
margin: 2em auto;
background: #eae9e9;
border: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 14px;
.toc {
font-size: 16px;
.nest-one {
margin-left: 1em;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 14px;
.nest-two {
margin-left: 3em;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
.faint {
opacity: 0.2;
And finally, we'll import our raw data as a Pandas dataframe:
#Import CSV as DataFrame
data = pd.read_csv("../data/kickstarter_projects.csv")
Now that we've imported our data, we can start to explore it. First, we'll use the Pandas info()
method to examine the following information:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 374853 entries, 0 to 374852 Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ID 374853 non-null int64 1 Name 374853 non-null object 2 Category 374853 non-null object 3 Subcategory 374853 non-null object 4 Country 374853 non-null object 5 Launched 374853 non-null object 6 Deadline 374853 non-null object 7 Goal 374853 non-null int64 8 Pledged 374853 non-null int64 9 Backers 374853 non-null int64 10 State 374853 non-null object dtypes: int64(4), object(7) memory usage: 31.5+ MB
From the output above, we can see that we have 11 distinct columns. Using this output, as well as metadata from the data's source on Kaggle, we can describe our columns below:
(integer) - a unique numeric ID assigned to each projectName
(string) - Kickstarter campaign nameCategory
(string) - a primary category that the campaign fits intoSubcategory
(string) - a secondary category that the campaign fits intoCountry
(string) - the country in which the campaign was launchedLaunched
(string) - the launch date of the campaignDeadline
(string) - the date at which the campaign expires (and fundraising stops)Goal
(integer) - the campaign's fundraising goal in USDPledged
(integer) - the amount of money (in USD) that the campaign raised during the fundraising periodBackers
(integer) - the number of individuals who contributed money to the campaignState
(string) - the final outcome of the campaign (e.g., "Successful", "Failed", etc.)We also see that all of our columns have the same number of non-null values, indicating that there is no missing data in our dataset. However, we will still need to explore the values within each column to ensure that there are no erroneous and/or duplicate values that could affect our future analysis.
Before we start to explore our data further, we need to subset it so that it only contains records for Kickstarter campaigns in the United States (as we are only interested in predicting factors that affect campaign success within the US).
Using the Pandas value_counts()
method below, we can see that 292,618 (or roughly 78%) of our observations are for campaigns in the US:
United States 292618 United Kingdom 33671 Canada 14756 Australia 7839 Germany 4171 France 2939 Italy 2878 Netherlands 2868 Spain 2276 Sweden 1757 Mexico 1752 New Zealand 1447 Denmark 1113 Ireland 811 Switzerland 760 Norway 708 Hong Kong 618 Belgium 617 Austria 597 Singapore 555 Luxembourg 62 Japan 40 Name: Country, dtype: int64
We can go ahead and filter our dataframe so that it only includes rows in which the Country
column contains "United States":
#Subset to US data
us = data[data["Country"] == "United States"]
If we look at the values for the State
variable (which, as a reminder, gives us the final outcome of each campaign) within our subset data, we can see that there are five distinct values:
#What values are present in the "State" column?
Failed 152059 Successful 109299 Canceled 28305 Live 1740 Suspended 1215 Name: State, dtype: int64
Using Kickstarter's help articles, we can determine that each value represents the following:
- campaign failed to meet its fundraising goalSuccessful
- campaign met its fundraising goalCanceled
- campaign was canceled by the campaign's primary representativeLive
- campaign is still active (as of March 2023)Suspended
- campaign was permanently suspended by Kickstarter for violation of its trust policiesIn our future analysis, we are interested in identifying how well various factors in our dataset predict campaign success. We are not interested in campaigns that were canceled or suspended, as these outcomes are likely due to other extraneous factors that are not possible to account for in our analysis. Additionally, we are not interested in campaigns that are currently active, as these campaigns don't yet have an outcome.
Thus, we will further subset our data to remove all observations in which the State
column contains "Canceled", "Suspended", or "Live", leaving us with roughly 89% of our original US data. Our subset data has a binary outcome - either "Failed" or "Successful".
us_filt = us[us["State"].isin(["Failed", "Successful"])]
Failed 152059 Successful 109299 Name: State, dtype: int64
To facilitate future modeling and analysis, we will go ahead and convert our values in the State
column to 0
(for "Failed") or 1
(for "Successful").
#Define a mapping dict
md = {
#Replace values using map() method
us_filt["State"] = us_filt["State"].map(md)
Now that we've verified that there are no nan
values within our dataset and have fully subset it to the specific data we're interested in, we can start searching for duplicate and/or erroneous observations.
First, let's see if there are any duplicate values using Pandas drop_duplicates()
us_filt = us_filt.drop_duplicates()
We see that this operation did not result in any dropped rows, which indicates that there were no duplicates in our US subset.
Next, let's investigate values within each of our columns to check for erroneous data that could affect our future analysis. We'll go through each column below.
#Category variable
Film & Video 46932 Music 40225 Publishing 28677 Art 20448 Games 20229 Design 18485 Technology 18058 Food 18033 Fashion 14536 Theater 8194 Comics 8159 Photography 7229 Crafts 5963 Journalism 3109 Dance 3081 Name: Category, dtype: int64
It looks like Category
is a nominal variable with 15 distinct levels. Some levels (e.g. "Film and Video" or "Music") seem to have substantially more observations than other levels (such as "Journalism" or "Dance"), which only contain a few thousand observations. It is questionable if this column will be of much help to our future analysis, so we will probably drop this column in the section below.
#Subcategory variable
Product Design 13732 Documentary 12349 Music 10926 Shorts 9534 Tabletop Games 8939 ... Residencies 43 Letterpress 32 Chiptune 22 Literary Spaces 13 Taxidermy 6 Name: Subcategory, Length: 159, dtype: int64
It looks Subcategory
is a nominal variable with 159 distinct values. We can probably drop this column in the section below, as it likely has too many levels to be useful in our future analysis.
#Country variable
United States 261358 Name: Country, dtype: int64
We already subset our data so that it only includes observations for the United States. Thus, the Country
column should only have one value. Above, we see this is the case.
The Launched
column represents each campaign's initial launch date. Let's see what format each launch date is stored in using the code below:
0 2009-04-21 21:02:48 1 2009-04-23 00:07:53 2 2009-04-24 21:52:03 3 2009-04-25 17:36:21 4 2009-04-27 14:10:39 Name: Launched, dtype: object
We see that the Launched
column contains strings representing dates in "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" format. To allow us to calculate a timedelta between each campaign's fundraising deadline and launch date, we should go ahead an convert these strings into datetime objects. We can use Pandas to_datetime()
to convert each string into a Pandas datetime object:
#Convert column from str aformat into datetime format
us_filt["Launched"] = pd.to_datetime(us_filt["Launched"], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Now, let's look at a histogram of dates within the Launched
column to check for outliers:
#Plot histogram of launch dates
plt.title("Distribution of Campaign Launch Dates")
It looks like the dates within the Launched
column seem to follow a normal distribution (maybe a bit left skewed) and fall between 2009-2018.
Timestamp('2009-04-21 21:02:48')
Additionally, it looks like our earliest campaign was launched on April 21, 2009, which is right around the time when Kickstarter was founded. Thus, it doesn't seem like we have any outliers in the Launched
column, so no additional cleaning is necessary at this time.
The Deadline
column represents the date on which each campaign's fundraising period closed (i.e., its fundraising deadline). Let's take the same approach that we used for Launched
and see what format deadlines are stored in using the code below:
0 2009-05-31 1 2009-07-20 2 2009-05-03 3 2009-07-14 4 2009-05-26 Name: Deadline, dtype: object
Unlike the Launched
column, it looks like dates in the Deadline
column are stored as Pandas timestamp objects in the "%Y-%m-%d" format. For consistency, we will convert these dates into Pandas datetime objects:
#Convert column from str format into datetime format
us_filt["Deadline"] = pd.to_datetime(us_filt["Deadline"], format="%Y-%m-%d")
Let's look at a histogram of dates within the Deadline
column to check for outliers:
#Plot histogram of launch dates
plt.title("Distribution of Campaign Fundraising Deadlines")
We see a similar spread to the histogram for values in Launched
, as well as values between 2009 and 2018. This suggests that there are no outliers in Deadline
that need to be addressed as of yet.
Using the code above, we've seen that the values in Launched
and Deadline
look OK. However, we need to confirm that each campaign actually has a valid fundraising period - or rather, that each campaign's fundraising deadline takes place after its initial campaign launch date.
To check this, we can create a new column in our dataframe (fund_days
) that contains the timedelta between each campaign's fundraising deadline and launch date converted into days:
#Calculate time delta for each campaign period
fund_period = us_filt["Deadline"] - us_filt["Launched"]
#Convert time deltas to days (float)
us_filt["fund_days"] = fund_period.dt.total_seconds() / 3600 / 24
Let's examine our new fund_days
column to confirm that the fundraising period for each of our campaigns is valid:
#Return total number of null values, if any
print(str(us_filt["fund_days"].isnull().sum()) + " Null Values")
0 Null Values
#Return summary statistics
count 261358.000000 mean 33.628154 std 13.015217 min 0.005058 25% 29.090854 50% 29.743773 75% 36.353102 max 91.962650 Name: fund_days, dtype: float64
#Plot histogram of fundraising periods
plt.xlabel('Fundraising Period (Days)')
Above, we see that the fundraising periods for our campaigns are between 0 and 92 days in duration. We do not have any negative or null fundraising periods, which suggests that no additional cleaning is necessary for this column.
Let's explore values in the fundraising goal (Goal
) column below:
#Return summary statistics
count 2.613580e+05 mean 3.934893e+04 std 1.035441e+06 min 0.000000e+00 25% 2.000000e+03 50% 5.000000e+03 75% 1.500000e+04 max 1.000000e+08 Name: Goal, dtype: float64
Based on the information above, we see that a majority (75%) of campaign fundraising goals are below \$1,500 USD, with an average goal of roughly \\$3,935 USD and a median goal of $5,000 USD. However, we see that the values in this column have a very large range (to the tune of \\$100 million USD!). We also see that our data has a standard deviation of over \$1 million USD, indicating that there is quite a bit of spread around the mean value.
We can see this in the histogram below:
plt.xlabel('Fundraising Goal (USD)')
plt.title('Distribution of Fundraising Goals (USD)')
Let's try reducing the range of the data we plot in our histogram, excluding campaigns with fundraising goals greater than $100,000 USD:
plt.hist(us_filt["Goal"][us_filt["Goal"] <= 100000], bins=20)
plt.xlabel('Fundraising Goal (USD)')
plt.title('Distribution of Fundraising Goals < 1 Million USD')
In this histogram above, we can see that this variable is highly right-skewed, with most campaigns having relatively small fundraising goals.
Although we have a very large range for the data in the Goal
column, it is still valid and will likely help to inform our future analysis. Thus, we won't take additional cleaning steps for Goal
at this time.
Next, let's explore values in the "number of backers" (Backers
) column below:
#Return summary statistics
count 261358.000000 mean 122.745655 std 1039.320806 min 0.000000 25% 2.000000 50% 17.000000 75% 66.000000 max 219382.000000 Name: Backers, dtype: float64
#Calculate median value
We see that a majority (75%) of campaigns have 66 or fewer backers, with a median value of 17 backers. Similar to our Goal
column, we see that the values in this column have a very large range (with the most popular campaign having over 200,000 backers!).
We can see this in the histogram below:
#Generate histogram
plt.title('Distribution of Campaign Backers')
Again, let's try reducing the range of the data we plot to exclude campaigns with more than 1000 backers:
#Generate histogram
plt.hist(us_filt["Backers"][us_filt["Backers"] <= 1000], bins=20)
plt.title('Distribution of Campaign Backers < 1000')
Similar to Goal
, we can see that this variable is highly right-skewed, with most campaigns having relatively few backers.
Again, despite having a very large range in this column, the data within Backers
is valid and will likely help to inform our future analysis. Thus, we can move forward with our exploration and cleaning.
The next step in our exploration/cleaning process is to add a few columns that might be useful for our future analysis.
Could the length of each campaign title on Kickstarter affect that campaign's success? Are shorter titles more effective at attracting donors than longer titles? This could be an interesting variable to add to our future analysis.
We can quickly calculate each campaign's title length using Pandas string methods below:
#Create column
us_filt["name_len"] = us_filt["Name"].str.len()
Let's quickly explore the distribution of name length across our campaigns:
#Explore column
plt.xlabel("Length of Campaign Name (Characters)")
Surprisingly, it looks like campaign name length has a relatively normal distribution - interesting!
It seems possible that campaigns launched in the early days of Kickstarter may have been either less or more popular than campaigns launched after the platform had been in existence for several years. By including "time since Kickstarter launch" as a variable, we can potentially account for this in our analysis. We use the code below to save this variable in the years_since
#Create launch year column
us_filt["years_since"] = us_filt["Launched"].dt.year - 2009
It also seems popular that campaigns launched during specific times of year could be more successful than others. For example, are campaigns in the US launched during winter more likely to succeed because people might be more generous due to proximity to winter holidays? We can add this variable to our dataframe for future analysis.
For the purpose of our analysis (in which we'll use logistic regression), we need to add this categorical variable to our dataframe so that each season has its own column with corresponding Boolean values (i.e., 0 or 1) indicating whether or not a given observation was launched in that season:
#List of seasons
seasons = ["s_winter", "s_spring", "s_summer", "s_fall"]
#Add new columns
for season, num in zip(seasons, list(range(1,5))):
us_filt[season] = (us_filt["Launched"].dt.month%12 // 3 + 1 == num).astype(int)
In the table below, we can see that there have been relatively similar numbers of campaigns launched in each of the seasons:
#Counts by season
s_winter 54727 s_spring 69853 s_summer 71324 s_fall 65454 dtype: int64
We've explored our data and cleaned each column of interest. Now, we can go ahead and drop columns that won't be of use to us in our final analysis. Below, we drop the following columns:
- since we removed all duplicate rows and are retaining campaign names, this column is unnecessaryCategory
, Subcategory
- this categorical variable has a few too many levels to be of use (and we aren't able to objectively re-categorize into larger categories)Country
- all of our observations are for the United States, so this column is unnecessary to keepLaunched
, Deadline
- we have added two new variables to our dataset (fund_days
and season
) that better capture the temporal information we're interested inPledged
- we are primarily interested in the final outcome of each campaign (i.e., success vs failure), not in the percentage of each campaign's fundraising goal that was raised#Drop ID and Pledged columns
drops = ['ID','Category', 'Subcategory','Country', 'Launched', 'Deadline', 'Pledged']
us_filt = us_filt.drop(drops, axis=1)
Our final step in the data cleaning process is to save our cleaned data as a CSV! Before we do so, let's take one last look at the data to make sure that everything looks good:
Name | Goal | Backers | State | fund_days | name_len | years_since | s_winter | s_spring | s_summer | s_fall | |
0 | Grace Jones Does Not Give A F$#% T-Shirt (limi... | 1000 | 30 | 0 | 39.123056 | 59 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | CRYSTAL ANTLERS UNTITLED MOVIE | 80000 | 3 | 0 | 87.994525 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | drawing for dollars | 20 | 3 | 1 | 8.088854 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | Offline Wikipedia iPhone app | 99 | 25 | 1 | 79.266424 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
4 | Pantshirts | 1900 | 10 | 0 | 28.409271 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
It looks like the data only contains the specific variables we want to include in our future analysis. Let's go ahead and save our data as a CSV file:
us_filt.to_csv("../data/cleaned_data.csv", index=False)
To view the analysis of this data and learn which factors in the dataset predict campaign success, visit the link below: